Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Like those open bars
Cameras smiling
Look at our brand new jeans
Designed to deceive
Mocking the poor
Plastic colored sunglasses
Dead of day
We're over paid
Give me a chance to tell you
All about Eve
I hope I'll kill you
Someone rescue me
and throw me into
A vegan sweet shop
On a lonely hill
Self powered
In a snow storm
I want to breathe in the pines
Make my own coloring books
From natural causes
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
I see you run through the gamet
I see you sitting in the tunnel
Ready to take off on your own
Into the fables of lore
You are on your own
We stand and gaze at the moment
We’re just keeping your seat warm
Waiting for the hope we can’t kill
It pays us too well
And so you must go on
While we believe otherwise
Chickens in our black shoes
Bullets in our hearts
Sometimes we will laugh like you
Sometimes we will not
And so you must go on
To official eternity
With your cufflinks gold
And your hair so bold
To the earth
To the sky
To the fire in your belly
White collar crimes a plenty
Be gone
Be gone
Be gone to the window
Waiting down below
A surrendering ship is circling
With your wife and children as captains
Will you walk the plank?
Take another avenue
And we’ll see you again
At the next trade show
Dusted off and miraculously
Recovered and red
Otherwise you would be dead
And so you must go on your own
Through these dangers
Through these dollars and souls
An incredible slavery
When you’re gone
And you’ll leave
We will be honored to know you
Through your haunted dreams
So please
Keep in touch